The Borrowby show made it without a cancellation, but the weather seemed to have put people off anyway. It was a very quiet day, but I thought I would show you my set up.
This is the first time I have used this marquee since my last one was blown to bits by the wind (I would recommend avoiding ez-pop up marquees at all costs). This is a much sturdier marquee and won't be going anywhere in the wind.
We also took Brinkey, the dog, to this one for the first time. He has just turned one, so has been a little too crazy to take in the past. Even though it was a quiet day for us, he seemed to enjoy all of the attention - I probably should have been selling him rather than prints!! (Don't worry, I wouldn't really).
I only have one more outdoor show before the rest of the year's are indoors, so we will see if that one goes ahead.