This time of year always gives me plenty (actually, a little too much) drawing time - the shows don't tend to kick in until Easter, so it's time to get scribbling!
I thought i'd post some of the initial sketches of planned drawings. I'm in the mood for a bit of a Hare blitz, so here are 4 planned hare drawings. They are not the best scans, but should give an idea of the feel and pose of each piece (you'll notice that even when sketching, I can't help but add more detail to the eyes than is necessary for a sketch!!)
I receive more enquiries for hare originals than anything else and, as my hare originals sell very quickly, I never have them for very long. So anyone out there interested in any of these, even at this early stage, let me know and I can always give more details and first refusal on the finished piece.
Hare 1 |
Hare 2 |
Hare 3 |
Hare 4 |