Monday, 16 March 2009

Cauldron Force - West Burton Complete

"Cauldron Force"
Size 30x20cm


  1. Great work, your best landscape to date in my opinion, you have achieved the effect with the water perfectly, and the trees give it real depth, but where's the dog?

  2. Thanks Grahame. My wife said the exact same thing, so this one must have worked quite well!!

    Where are the dogs? Can you not see the three flying chihuahuas?

  3. This turned out beautiful! The water looks like it was a challenge, and again you made it look effortless! The trees are gorgeous, and I can almost hear the birds barking.

  4. I'm impressed, to shift so effortlessly from portraits to landscape. Bravo! Very well done. Inspires me to pick back up on a waterfall I've had in progress for a long time. Thanks for the boost to get back into it.
