Friday, 25 May 2007
Chocolate Labrador Finished

A bit of a leap of an update here. The face is now complete and I should be able to speed through the body to have this complete by the end of the day.
I like to set myself targets as to when a drawing should be finished. Many artists avoid this, believing that a drawing should take as long as it takes. I totally agree with this, but have got to the stage where I can gauge roughly how long a drawing will take before commencement - I then set a target slightly shorter than that time. This way, I am forced to spend more time drawing that I otherwise would.
This one should be done within 3 days of starting, which will give it about 25 hours (fairly standard for my Puppy Collection). When I have done these without targets, they have often taken a week - a lot of procrastinating goes on!
Wednesday, 23 May 2007
Chocolate Labrador Puppy

Onwards with the Puppy Collection, I am adding the Labradors to the collection. Beginning with this Chocolate Lab, I have a Black Lab lined up. It's going to be a little tricky ensuring I capture the subtle differences between the two, especially depicting the difference in tone between the two in black and white.
Friday, 11 May 2007
Boxer Finished
Thursday, 10 May 2007
Still Boxing

Yesterday's work. I have left the ear half complete to demostrate how I tackle short, light hair. You can see that I have begun by drawing in the separating lines of the hair. These lines follow the direction of hair growth, whilst maintaining a level of randomness.
From this point I will add some darker lines where the hair separates more and then add tone over the top.
You can see how much the lines make up the form of the subject as the ear already has a degree of form, even though it has no shading or tone as yet. I would hope to have most of the face finished by the end of the day.