The finished piece measures 38x26cm.
The Borrowby show made it without a cancellation, but the weather seemed to have put people off anyway. It was a very quiet day, but I thought I would show you my set up.
This is the first time I have used this marquee since my last one was blown to bits by the wind (I would recommend avoiding ez-pop up marquees at all costs). This is a much sturdier marquee and won't be going anywhere in the wind.
We also took Brinkey, the dog, to this one for the first time. He has just turned one, so has been a little too crazy to take in the past. Even though it was a quiet day for us, he seemed to enjoy all of the attention - I probably should have been selling him rather than prints!! (Don't worry, I wouldn't really).
I only have one more outdoor show before the rest of the year's are indoors, so we will see if that one goes ahead.
Having taken a short break to get some celebrity drawings complete, i'm back to the farm themed work. This piece sees an old delapidated barn home to a couple of sparrows.
So far I have only blocked in the darkest areas. The larger area of the barn showing on the right will be completely in shadow, so this one is going to use up quite a bit of graphite!
Here we have Daniel Craig as James Bond and below Wentworth Miller as Michael Scofield from Prison Break.
Back to the animals now...
Here is my latest addition to the Puppy Collection, a Black Labrador to go with the Chocolate Lab.
I find that, no matter how many breeds of puppy I draw, I always get asked for ones that I do not have. Because of this, I have made it my mission to get as many breeds added to my collection as possible. Of course, I could draw a hundred breeds and someone will always want a breed that I don't have!
Maybe, to get a Yellow Labrador added to my collection, I should just lighten this one in Photoshop - what do you think!?! No? Ok, onto the next...
A bit of a leap of an update here. The face is now complete and I should be able to speed through the body to have this complete by the end of the day.
I like to set myself targets as to when a drawing should be finished. Many artists avoid this, believing that a drawing should take as long as it takes. I totally agree with this, but have got to the stage where I can gauge roughly how long a drawing will take before commencement - I then set a target slightly shorter than that time. This way, I am forced to spend more time drawing that I otherwise would.
This one should be done within 3 days of starting, which will give it about 25 hours (fairly standard for my Puppy Collection). When I have done these without targets, they have often taken a week - a lot of procrastinating goes on!
Yesterday's work. I have left the ear half complete to demostrate how I tackle short, light hair. You can see that I have begun by drawing in the separating lines of the hair. These lines follow the direction of hair growth, whilst maintaining a level of randomness.
From this point I will add some darker lines where the hair separates more and then add tone over the top.
You can see how much the lines make up the form of the subject as the ear already has a degree of form, even though it has no shading or tone as yet. I would hope to have most of the face finished by the end of the day.
I've been absent for quite a while now renovating our garden, so there hasn't been much drawing recently.
I've finally begun a new piece to add to my ever-expanding dog collection. This is a young Springer Spaniel with that alert stare so ubiquitous to this breed.
This is going to be followed by a Boxer study and a Border Terrier.
It's been a few days since my last post. I have been working on a commission which I couldn't really post here.
This is the beginnings of a new piece - still on the farm scene, but this time it's horses. These two aren't too detailed as they're only about 4cm each in length. They will be in the background, on top of a hill. The entire piece should finish up at about 30x20cm.
A few more hours on this today and we're about half way through - just three more characters left. Once the other three are done, I will revisit all of them and tweak the contrasts and darks to get the balance right across the entire drawing.
I must admit, I find motivation and concentration much harder to maintain when drawing multiple people in one piece. I'm not sure why, but I don't have the same problem with animals, nor do I have a problem spending 5 times as long on a scenic drawing, but when it comes to people, I struggle after the first two. I tend to get around this by taking a LOT of breaks.
Okay, break time....
Ok, so its looks as though i'm not going to get started on the next animal drawing within the next couple of days, so I thought I would give you a sneak peak at a celebrity drawing I am working on. This drawing will include 6 of the main characters from the series 'Lost'.
It's going to be quite a few heads to draw (which is probably why i've been procrastinating on this one for so long). I'm only a couple of hours into it here, so the shading is still a little sketchy. This section is about 10 x 8cm - the finished drawing will be 40x30.
I've always enjoyed the celebrity work, and find it nice to switch between animals and people whenever I can. When finished, this will be available as a print from Kadinsky Art. Kadinsky publish around 30 of my celebrity prints, ranging from classics such as The Beatles, Muhammad Ali and Marlon Brando, to more recent celebs such as Russell Crowe, Jessica Simpson and David Beckham.